In divorce and/or custody matters you could be faced with issues such as: Child Endangerment, Child Custody, Child Visitation, Child Support, Spousal Support, Division of Assets, Domestic Violence, Restraining Orders and complex related issues.
We understand your requirements and concerns. The first step is creating a clear and concise strategy tailored to your specific legal needs, in order to obtain the best possible solution. Call or email today for a free consultation.
"I have been fortunate enough to work with Mr. Alexander for more than 20 years. He is always the epitome of professionalism, tenacity and creative thinking. Because of his hard work, my clients have received exceptional care from Mr. Alexander that have helped them in advancing their cases in the family courts.
He is always my first call when I need investigative work."
Our client was always current on his $1,500 a month child support. The mother lived with her parents claiming she worked one day a week at a hair salon, making a few hundred dollars a month, and was seeking a $1,000 a month increase in support, to a $2,500 monthly support obligation.
Our investigation, using multiple under-cover investigators with covert cameras revealed she was working six days a week, and generally had to book customers a week to two weeks in advance.
A man's haircut was $40, while a woman's was $60 with additional services increasing in $20 increments. She was documented with covert cameras pocketing the cash as opposed to documenting the transaction, or using a cash drawer, register or log.
When the report and photo evidence was revealed with ex-wife's estimated monthly cash income based on her fees and schedule, she settled the case, dropping all child support demands to keep our report and testimony off the record.
Over the years, we have successfully investigated numerous child endangerment issues where substance abuse directly impacted custody, frequently resulting in court ordered Monitored Visitation. No one wants to deprive a parent of time with their child, however, the child's safety is always first and foremost.
In one such case we used surveillance and covert cameras following the target parent to the beach, into bars, sporting events, etc. to video document their consumption of alcohol, the number of drinks, as well as the time frame they were consumed in.
The ex-spouse was observed drinking five Lemon Drop cocktails in about 90 minutes, then proceeded to another bar where the ex-spouse consumed a large pitcher of draft beer. We documented all occurrences with Date & Time Stamp video. The ex-spouse drove their car in excess of 90 miles per hour through residential streets. When stopped by police, the ex-spouse stated they were on their way to pick up their 4 year old child from a babysitter. The ex-spouse had a .13 BAC.
The client's ex-husband (self-employed) was over $100,000 in child support arrears since their divorce 11 years earlier. He was living with his girlfriend, claiming to make around $900 a month. During this time, our client spent tens of thousands of dollars in attorneys fees trying to prove he was hiding substantial income.
Our investigation revealed the girlfriend of almost 10 years was actually the ex-husband's spouse of almost 10 years. Our continued investigation revealed their actual residence where they recently put $200,000 down on a $1.1 million home. The home was on title in the new wife's maiden name. A transaction history of the property revealed our client's ex-husband filed a Quit Claim Deed, removing his name from the property. Additional field work revealed the ex-husband and his current wife were driving new high end cars.
Our attorney was able to subpoena the home and auto loan docs, revealing the ex-husband's stated income of $1.2 million a year. Our client was granted an enforcement order and attorney fees based on the investigation findings.
"Our (Client)'s ex-husband was nearly $100,000 in arrears in child support, claiming to make only $900 per month from his personal business. Thanks to your investigation it was determined that he actually earned 1.2 million real income for the year, hiding his assets under his new wife's maiden name. Our entire case was based on your investigation."
Under-reported Income - ex-spouse sought increase in support, while working a cash under-the table job, making substantially more than reported in Income & Expense Declaration.
Child Endangerment - parent engaged in dangerous activity with child. The judge ordered Monitored Visitation after reviewing the report and photographic evidence.
* Audio from KRLA 870 AM radio ad
Legal Support Investigative Service
Post Office Box 11007, Whittier, CA 90603
Phone 562-315-5052
CA License #21556