Kid's First founder Family Law Specialist, Gerald Klein, Esq.
Past CALI Board Member, Gene Cella presenting recognition award
Randall (L) with past CALI Board Member, Tom Sheridan at a licensed investigator conference
Career Day presentation at Robert C. Fisler Middle School
Past CALI President Nick Savala presenting Randall with the District Governor of the Year Award
Randall (R) while serving as Education Committee, Conference Chair, with Marine Color Guard and past CALI President Eddie McClain.
PTSA Board Meeting
Randall (L) with past CALI Board Member, Jan Tucker at the annual Legislative Day in Sacramento
LSIS conference booth addressing laws that govern investigators at attorney MCLE conference
"Meet the Judge" day, where children at the Kid's First of Orange County program meet and ask questions of a Family Law Judge.
Randall (center) manning the CALI association booth at CA State Bar MCLE conference
Volunteering with older son at the Sunny Hills High School, Conservatory of Fine Arts event
Randall (center) at Legislative Day in Sacramento with past CALI Presidents, Mark McClain and Toni Perrin
Career Day presentation at Robert C. Fisler K-8 School
Past CALI President Zimmer presenting recognition award
Cooking for a few hundred kids at the Sunny Hills High School, Conservatory of Fine Arts event
Chamber of Commerce meeting presentation on "Hiring An Investigator & Laws That Govern Them".
PTSA Function
CALI and NALI Association booth at Consumer Attorney MCLE conference in Las Vegas
IB Director Brian Wall presenting Conservatory Of Fine Arts recognition for volunteer work
Serving as CALI District Governor and District Director, hosting Orange District meeting with former US Attorney David Queen
During a Career Day break with older son.
Hiring the right investigator to document and present evidence can help you prevail in your litigated matter. Conversely, an inexperienced investigator can have a detrimental affect on the outcome of your case. Worse yet, an investigator that is not versed in the laws that govern him, can expose his client to costly civil liability through his tortious acts. That is why it's critically important to choose the right investigator.
Why choose a Legal Investigator, versus a regular private investigator?
The California Department of Consumer Affairs, Bureau of Security and Investigative Services requires licensing for private investigators.
Minimum requirements for state licensure is:
(1) be 18 or older
(2) no educational requirement
(3) undergo a criminal background check through the California Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
(4) three years investigative experience totaling 6,000 hours.
(5) pass a two hour multiple choice examination.
Legal Investigators usually have a college degree in Paralegal Studies, Administration of Justice, or a related legal field. While most serve as an employed legal assistant, working at the direction of an attorney, some obtain an investigator's license and engage independently in contract work for multiple law firms.
The Legal Investigator must possess knowledge of statutory and case law, local rules of court, civil procedure, legal research, forensic sciences, techniques of evidence collection, its preservation and admissibility.
The job of a Legal Investigator is to gather information and evidence which advance legal theories to benefit the client’s case. Legal investigators perform a number of essential duties for law firms, all of which require a sharp mind, extensive records and legal researching skills, excellent oral and written communication skills, and astute investigative skills.
Depending on the type of case they are working on, Legal Investigators assist attorneys by reviewing police reports and discovery materials, analyzing and photographing crime or accident scenes, interviewing parties and witnesses, obtaining signed or recorded statements, performing background investigations, preparing documentary and demonstrative evidence, recommending experts and testifying in court.
"We employed Randall for both his Paralegal and Investigative expertise to review, compare and contrast all statements and deposition testimony. Randall's work in both contexts was exceptional, as was his reliability, integrity and professionalism."
"His background as a Paralegal allows him to provide unique and invaluable insight into our cases. Randall has become a major asset to our firm and he’s the only investigator we use. The reason for that is simple: Randall gets it done! "
"Thank you for participating in the written examination development for the
Private Investigator's profession as a Subject Matter Expert."
Since 1999, Randall Alexander has worked as a Legal Investigator while also a state licensed Private Investigator; when he formed Legal Support Investigative Service.
Randall specializes in litigation support, with expertise in Family Law and Civil Litigation. He applies over thirty years of professional training and experience in investigations, law enforcement and military, as well formal education in Paralegal Studies and Administration of Justice.
In 2008, Randall Alexander was recognized as a Subject Matter Expert by the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services, a division of the California Department of Consumer Affairs. Randall assisted DCA/BSIS in the review and rewrite of the Private Investigator State Licensing Examination, which determines candidate competency for licensure.
Randall has served as an industry expert in the review of private investigator work product, providing his opinion based on codified law, appellate case precedence, and industry periodicals. He has testified in depositions, state and federal court, as well as a state administrative hearing.
Randall earned his Associate of Arts in Paralegal Studies from the Southern California College of Business and Law; an ABA - American Bar Association approved program.
Randall completed undergraduate coursework in Administration of Justice, and was a member of the Alpha Gamma Sigma Honor Society.
Randall has over twenty-five years of continuing education in the investigative industry, provided through professional associations. He has additional professional training and experience in the military and law enforcement.
Randall has been a Member in Good Standing with the California Association of Licensed Investigators (CALI) since 1999.
Randall has served CALI and it's membership in the following capacities:
Currently Serving
Previous Service
Randall has participated in legislative activities in Sacramento and locally in Southern California, addressing legislative bills that impact the consumer, the legal community, and the investigative industry. In 2008, Randall assisted with the draft for a Private Investigator, Mandatory Continuing Education bill, SB-1282 (Margett), and again in 2009, SB-202 (Harman), both of which received near unanimous support.
Randall has given presentations regarding the Licensed Private Investigator industry and the laws that govern their actions to various organizations, chamber of commerce, schools, and networking groups.
District Governor of the Year Award - 2008
California Association of Licensed Investigators
Randall was the first recipient of the CALI District Governor of the Year, awarded by the Board of Directors for exceptional performance and leadership.
Vice President of Administration Award - 2008
California Association of Licensed Investigators
For exceptional leadership.
Orange County District Director Recognition - 2008
California Association of Licensed Investigators
Recognition plaque for service as Orange County District Director, for serving on the Board of Directors.
Orange County District Governor Recognition - 2008
California Association of Licensed Investigators
Recognition plaque for service as the Orange County District Governor. Responsible for organizing membership meetings addressing industry related continuing education.
CALI Certificate of Appreciation - 2008
California Association of Licensed Investigators
Presented by his peers of the CALI Orange County District for organizing quality educational meetings resulting in increased member participation by more than four fold.
LA County District Governor Recognition - 2002, 2003 and 2004
California Association of Licensed Investigators
Recognition plaques for service as the Los Angeles County District Governor. Responsible for organizing membership meetings addressing industry related continuing education.
An informative article explaining how to photographically reproduce the perspective of an eyewitness for evidentiary purposes, to corroborate or refute eyewitness testimony.
A step by step, detailed guideline for investigators when building a Family Law, Cohabitation Investigation. The article includes codified law, case law and Evidence Codes regarding digital evidence.
This article is intended to address surveillance video / photographing minors in public, whether intentional or incidental, in litigated matters.
Article is an LSIS case study of a personal injury accident and the rare phenomenon known as Flame Jetting.
The article is a fundamental basics for DSLR forensic photography and how modern digital cameras may alter the perspective of an image dependent on the camera sensor size.
American Legion
California Alliance of Paralegal Associations
California Association of Licensed Investigators
Los Angeles Paralegal Association
Marine Corps Association
Marine Corps League
National Council of Investigation & Security Services
Non-Commissioned Officer's Association
Orange County Paralegal Association
Peace Officers Research Association of California
Private Investigator Consortium
Southern California Fraud Investigators Association
Kids First of Orange County - 1999 to 2014
Randall was a board member and volunteer with Kid's First of Orange County, a non-profit organization for divorcing parents and their children; hosted by the Psychology Department at Chapman University.
Asian Pacific American Legal Center - 2003 to 2006
Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) - 2005 to 2023,
Conservatory Of Fine Arts (COFA) - 2014 to 2023
Sunny Hills High School
Engineering Pathways to Innovations and Change (EPIC) - 2014 to 2023
Sunny Hills High School / Regional Occupation Program (ROP)
Stringed Orchestra - 2014 to 2023
Sunny Hills High School
Randall engages in select pro-bono work with military veterans and active-service personnel.
Certificate of Appreciation - 2023
Conservatory of Fine Arts
For years of dedicated volunteer service and donations in support of the COFA arts program at Sunny Hills High School.
Certificate of Appreciation - 2018
Conservatory of Fine Arts
For years of dedicated volunteer service and donations in support of the COFA arts program at Sunny Hills High School.
Certificate(s) of Appreciation - 1999 to 2014
Kids First of Orange County
For volunteer service during Divorced/Separated Parenting & Children's Workshops, hosted at Chapman University.
Special Recognition for Extraordinary Service - 2009
Kids First of Orange County
For safely evacuating over 30 children and adults, during a divorce parenting workshop incident, requiring police response.
Recognition Plaque for Dedicated Service - 2006
Kids First of Orange County
For dedicated and continued volunteer service as a Kid's First Board member and volunteer.
Legal Support Investigative Service
Post Office Box 11007, Whittier, CA 90603
Phone 562-315-5052
CA License #21556